Saturday, October 15, 2011

OWS protester tackling a black cop

POTUS supports the OWS supporters. POTUS must support violence against law enforcement by extension. Obama is unworthy of the office.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Policies Matter

... the biggest one-month jobs gain in American history was at exactly this juncture of the Reagan Presidency, after another deep recession. In September 1983, coming out of the 1981-82 downturn, American employers added 1.1 million workers to their payrolls, the acceleration point for a seven-year expansion that created some 17 million new jobs...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Gore: Eat less meat to fight warming

...Question: does Al Gore (The Goracle) look like he eats LESS of anything?


Al Gore wants society to ditch meat-heavy diets and go organic to combat global warming.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Maxine Waters: "the tea party can go straight to hell".

So much for dialing back the rhetoric, right?

On Saturday in Inglewood, Calif., Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters had some harsh words for the tea party.

“I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments made about President Obama earlier in the week. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.”

Technically, Mrs. Waters, it would be impossible for tea party members to go "straight to hell". I'm sure there is some government regulation, or regulatory agency, that a tea party member would have to get permission from before entering through the gates of Beelzebub's Lair, aka, 'The Hot Place'. There must be some government paperwork to fill out first. Going "straight" there would be in violation of some statute or another.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Libtard of the Week Award

...she has won before, and will win again.

Wasserman Schultz: "We've Really Begun To Turn The Economy Around"

Friday, July 22, 2011

Libtard of the Week

... and Washington Tax Whore:

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D.-Md.) said on the House floor last night that if the balanced budget amendment Republicans are supporting is ratified and included in the Constitution it would make it “virtually impossible” to raise taxes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Climate change moonbats want an army

A special meeting of the United Nations security council is due to consider whether to expand its mission to keep the peace in an era of climate change.

Small island states, which could disappear beneath rising seas, are pushing the security council to intervene to combat the threat to their existence.

There has been talk, meanwhile, of a new environmental peacekeeping force – green helmets – which could step into conflicts caused by shrinking resources.

The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, is expected to address the meeting on Wednesday.

But Germany, which called the meeting, has warned it is premature to expect the council to take the plunge into green peacemaking or even adopt climate change as one of its key areas of concern.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Libtard of the Week Award

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, suggested during a House floor speech Friday that raising the debt ceiling was being held up by members of Congress because President Obama is black.

"Only this president--only this one--only this one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work," she said. "Only this one. Read between the lines."
Since Rep. Jackson has invited us to 'read between the lines' I say I'll give it a go. I see a woman so limited in intelligence she compensates by constantly invoking the race card. I'm surprised she hasn't yet introduced a bill demanding the elimination of white rice in grocery stores. Her extreme redistributionist worldview would make Marx blush. You, Rep. Jackson, have earned--without affirmative action or set aside--my coveted Libtard of the Week Award. Congratulations.

Same logic

Ohio improves

All it takes is a fiscally responsible leader. Congratulations Ohio for electing one.

Ratings Services upgraded Ohio's debt rating just one day after it put the United States on "creditwatch negative" on what it calls a rising risk of policy stalemate in the debt limit negotiations.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Steyn on 'Obluffer'

Mark Steyn:

Meanwhile, the World’s Greatest Orator bemoans the “intransigence” of Republicans. Okay, what’s your plan? Give us one actual program you’re willing to cut, right now. Oh, don’t worry, says Barack Obluffer. To demonstrate how serious he is, he’s offered to put on the table for fiscal year 2012 spending cuts of (stand well back now) $2 billion. That would be a lot in, say, Iceland or even Australia. Once upon a time it would have been a lot even in Washington. But today $2 billion is what the Brokest Nation in History borrows every ten hours. In other words, in less time than he spends sitting across the table negotiating his $2 billion cut, he’s already borrowed it all back. A negotiation with Obama is literally not worth the time.

Obama says 80% of Americans want higher taxes I guess I can say 80% of Americans want the Measles, a flat tire, and Roseanne Barr singing the Star Spangled Banner.

From The Hill:

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tax Addict in Chief

...Time spent community organizing left this man devoid of skills to deal with a complex economic problem. He should retire as a wealthy speech giver and count himself lucky a majority of Americans were fooled into believing a clueless socialist could provide some leadership as president in leading the United States.

So determined is Obama to deprive “the rich” of excess income–as defined by him, of course–he is even willing to adversely impact government income in order to do so. Read this colloquy between Obama and ABC’s Charlie Gibson in a 2008 debate with Hillary Clinton:

MR. GIBSON: And in each instance, when the [capital gains tax] rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I’’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

MR. GIBSON: But history shows that when you drop the capital gains tax, the revenues go up.

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, that might happen or it might not. It depends on what’’s happening on Wall Street and how business is going.

Actually, it doesn’t. Every time capital gains tax rates have gone up, revenues have gone down and vice versa. High capital gains tax rates, because the tax liability is only incurred when an asset is sold, have the effect of locking in capital, which is economically pernicious, preventing capital from flowing to its most productive, i.e wealth creating, use.

Raise taxes or Granny gets it

James Taranto in the WSJ:

The kids are acting up, so he threatens to starve Granny to death. That's just how a strong father behaves.

It looks to us as if Obama may once again be overestimating his persuasive powers by relying for feedback on journalists who, for a combination of ideological, partisan and personal reasons, are predisposed to take his side.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

John "ketchup fortune" Kerry feels good about himself

DON IMUS: "I think you would have been a much better President than the guy we have now, don't you agree with that?"

SEN. JOHN KERRY: "You've asked me that before. Every time I come on you try to get me to --"

IMUS: "-- I'm not trying to get you to do anything. I'm trying to get you to be honest."

KERRY: "I'm always honest."

IMUS: "Well, you would've been a much better President."

KERRY: "I would have been a good President. Maybe even a great one. How about that?"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

LIbtard of the Week Award

In an appearance Monday in New York City, former Vice President Al Gore, prominently known for his climate change activism, took on the subject of population size and the role of society in controlling it to reduce pollution."

Al Gore believes we need to control the population to control pollution. Al Gore has four kids. Al Gore wants OTHER PEOPLE to have less children. This is another fine example of Al Gore asking you to do as he says, not as he does.

Uncontacted Amazonian Tribe Discovered

Somebody warn these jungle people to run and hide again. Do they want their pristine existence ruined by taxes, STD's and Keith Olbermann?

Brazilian authorities claim to have pinpointed the location of a community of ancient and uncontacted tribespeople in one of the most remote corners of the world's largest rainforest.

This indigenous Amazonian community was discovered after three small forest clearings were detected on satellite images, according to Fabricio Amorim, a regional coordinator for Brazil's indigenous foundation, Funai. Flyover expeditions commenced in April, confirming the community's existence.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Insane politicians

Democratic leaders called on Wednesday for additional spending to boost the sluggish U.S. economy, setting up a fresh hurdle for bipartisan efforts in Washington to head off a government debt default this summer. [Reuters, June 22, 2011]

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Socialized healthcare in all its glory

From the UK Sun newspaper:

HOSPITAL chiefs have apologised after giving elderly patients a TAMBOURINE to call for nurses in an emergency.

The musical instrument was left in a day room after older patients feared they were too far away for nurses to hear any cries for help.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The global warming alarmists forgot that 'garbage in, garbage out' thingy again

The world's foremost authority on climate change used a Greenpeace campaigner to help write one of its key reports, which critics say made misleading claims about renewable energy, The Independent has learnt.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), set up by the UN in 1988 to advise governments on the science behind global warming, issued a report last month suggesting renewable sources could provide 77 per cent of the world's energy supply by 2050. But in supporting documents released this week, it emerged that the claim was based on a real-terms decline in worldwide energy consumption over the next 40 years – and that the lead author of the section concerned was an employee of Greenpeace. Not only that, but the modelling scenario used was the most optimistic of the 164 investigated by the IPCC.

Oh, that's what he meant by 'shovel ready'

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Change you can step in

Report: Nearly 200 of Obama‘s Biggest Donors Land ’Plum‘ Gov’t Jobs, Contracts

More than two years after Obama took office vowing to banish “special interests” from his administration, nearly 200 of his biggest donors have landed plum government jobs and advisory posts, won federal contracts worth millions of dollars for their business interests or attended numerous elite White House meetings and social events.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Knee slapper from POTUS

I'm sure that when you implemented the Recovery Act your staff briefed you on many of these challenges." At this point, Obama smiled and interjected, "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected." The Council, led by GE's Jeffrey Immelt, erupted in laughter.

The Obama administration promised the Recovery Act ("the stimulus") would prevent the jobless rate from going over 8%. It now stands at 9.1%.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Poster Boy for Narcissism

A narcissist is someone who is overtly or subtly arrogant, exhibitionistic, vain, manipulative, and greedy for admiration.Ref Narcissistic rage, character assassination and projection are some of the overt ways in which the narcissist expresses himself.

A narcissist is not capable of putting the organization's needs before his or her own needs.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This explains a lot

"At some point during the first two years of his administration, President Obama stopped receiving the daily economic briefing that he requested when he took office."
--in The Hill, reported by Sam Youngman.

What a novel economic strategy: ignore the problem and hope it just floats away.

You are on the hook for $534,000.

The $61.6 trillion in unfunded obligations amounts to $534,000 per household. That's more than five times what Americans have borrowed for everything else — mortgages, car loans and other debt.--Dennis Cauchon, USA Today

How and why did we let the government screw up this bad?

Phony Numbers from POTUS

"What we found is one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. Virtually every claim by the president regarding the auto industry needs an asterisk, just like the fine print in that too-good-to-be-true car loan."--Glenn Kessler (WashPost)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Global warming fucktard talking like a nazi:

The fucktard's name is Richard Glover.

"Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies."

"Not necessarily on the forehead; I'm a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ''Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?''

Nate Beeler's latest

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Libtard of the Week

This sack of shit is Markos Moulitsas. He is the founder of the uber-leftist Daily Kos.
Ms. Moulitsas found it necessary to defend the Congressional Crotch Shot Pervert, Anthony Weiner (Dick, NY) by allowing the publication of two under aged girl's identities.
read more at:

This moonbat used to be an American congresswoman

What would Reagan do?

From the WSJ:

At this stage in the Reagan expansion, after a comparably deep 1981-82 recession, the economy was growing by 7% a year and the jobless rate was plunging. This time the economy is growing by less than 2%, and we still have 6.8 million fewer jobs than when the recession began in late 2007.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Government Quiz

Which of these things is NOT like the others?
1) double dip recession.
2) double dip housing market
3) double dip ice cream cone
This quiz is brought to you by the federal governement. The answer to this test will be provided once we complete a very expensive study. Thank you, and [insert government-approved religious entity here] bless America.

Anti-obesity campaign

While I applaud the goals of the new anti-obesity campaign, I think it would help to influence people more if they kept our bowling-ball of a Surgeon General back on Air Force One during these photo-ops.

Political correctness running wild at the Fed

You would think the Fed would be busy enough spending money we don't have, but they've found the time and resources to be politically correct too.

Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Prince William, is asking the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank to remove the rainbow flag flying below the American flag outside of the building, calling its presence “a serious deficiency of judgment by your organization, one not limited to social issues.”

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Selective Liberal Outrage

The brilliant Victor Davis Hanson:

"There is a vast machinery of selective liberal outrage, fueled and lubricated by the media, universities, and celebrity entertainment. When the redistributive welfare state starts to run out of money, the gears and pulleys are flipped on and shrill charges of greed, cruelty, nativism, and racism spew out of the production line. The machine sputters and shuts down when an aggrieved liberal suddenly must either make cuts or adapt the very policies that he used to damn."

"Understand the mechanics of selective outrage, and our upside-down politics becomes comprehensible: A state suing to enforce immigration law is tantamount to a racist intrusion on federal jurisdiction, but a state openly flouting federal statutes for the Dream Act is acting in enlightened, humanitarian fashion."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Jonah Goldberg writing at The Corner on NRO:

"Hey look, Rep. Weiner’s a busy guy. Who can possibly expect him to keep track of every picture of his own crotch he’s ever taken? Sure, it could be his junk. But how can he possibly know with any certainty? I mean it’s not like he has an elaborate filing and labeling system for his penile photography. He’s not some weirdo. This looks like one of his many, many bulge shots, it might even be one of them. But how can he be expected to be definitive?"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

'Iowahawk' just wants to help

(Tweeting a picture of 'little Anthony'--this guy will go far in the Democratic Party.)
"Since the incident, the famously modest Congressman Weiner had remained demure on how he single-handedly thwarted his anonymous attacker, and how the attacker managed to possibly steal his Blackberry camera phone. And, for whatever reason, has thusfar also chosen not to involve the law enforcement authorities."

"As much as I admire Congressman Weiner's Gandhi-like forgiving attitude toward his assailant - as well as his world class ninja programming skills - I'm afraid this incident doesn't just involve him. For, after all, what Internet user is safe when the person who hacked this unsuspecting Weiner remains at large? Okay, maybe not "large," but still, come on man. Who's to say this same criminal hasn't somehow hacked my last 5 federal income tax returns with fraudulent deductions for alcohol-related blogging expenses?"

Monday, May 30, 2011

Seriously, what is the Democratic plan to fix Medicare?

...because all I see now is a bunch of assholes DEMOGOGUING THE RYAN PLAN. Here is the DNC Chairidiot proving my point:

Mansions of the Lord

Mansions of the Lord
To fallen soldiers let us sing,
Where no rockets fly nor bullets wing,
Our broken brothers let us bring
To the Mansions of the Lord

No more weeping,
No more fight,
No friends bleeding through the night,
Just Devine embrace,
Eternal light,
In the Mansions of the Lord

Where no mothers cry
And no children weep,
We shall stand and guard
Though the angels sleep,
Oh, through the ages let us keep
The Mansions of the Lord

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama's cheerleaders in the mainstream media

Why is every economic report prefaced with the word 'unexpectedly'?
Michael Barone comes up with the answer:

"As Instapundit reader Gordon Stewart, quoted by Reynolds on May 17, put it, "How many times in a row can something happen unexpectedly before the experts start to, you know, expect it? At some point, shouldn't they be required to state the foundation for their expectations?"

"One answer is that many in the mainstream media have been cheerleading for Barack Obama. They and he both naturally hope for a strong economic recovery. After all, Obama can't keep blaming the economic doldrums on George W. Bush forever."

"I'm confident that any comparison of economic coverage in the Bush years and the coverage now would show far fewer variants of the word "unexpectedly" in stories suggesting economic doldrums."

"It's obviously going to be hard to achieve the unacknowledged goal of many mainstream journalists -- the president's re-election -- if the economic slump continues. So they characterize economic setbacks as unexpected, with the implication that there's still every reason to believe that, in Herbert Hoover's phrase, prosperity is just around the corner."

California is a 'failed state'.

I agree with Walter Russell Mead who said:

"Let there be no mistake: when you produce so many criminals that you can’t afford to lock them up, you are a failed state. Virtually every important civil institution in society has to fail to get you to this point. Your homes and houses of worship are failing to build law abiding citizens, much less responsible and informed voters. Your schools aren’t educating enough of your kids to make an honest living. Your taxes and policies are so bad that you are driving thousands of businesses away. Your management systems must be fouled and confused to the max for you to create something so dysfunctional, so wildly beyond your means, that the Supreme Court of the United States (wisely or foolishly is another question) starts to micromanage your jails."

"California used to be the glory of this country, the dream by the sea, the magic state. Now it produces so many criminals it can’t pay to keep them locked up."

David Mamet's conversion to Conservatism

David Mamet has won a Pulitzer, and written plays (Glengarry Glen Ross, Speed-the-Plow), and movie scripts (The Verdict, The Untouchables, Wag the Dog). Mr. Mamet has written a new book, The Secret Knowledge: The Dismantling of American Culture.

Mr. Mamet has converted from Liberalism to Conservatism and in the book he takes on the liberal Hollywood Establishment whom he says were communists "because they hadn't invented Pilates yet."

Friday, May 27, 2011

DNC chairman: do as I say, not as I do.

Is this loser the best the Democratic party could put in charge of their campaign committee?

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appears to drive a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the DNC, ripped into Republican presidential contenders who opposed President Obama's 2009 bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler.

"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," she said at a breakfast for reporters organized by The Christian Science Monitor.

But according to Florida motor vehicle records, the Wasserman Schultz household owns a 2010 Infiniti FX35, a Japanese car whose parent company is Nissan, another Japanese company. The car appears to be hers, since its license plate includes her initials.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shrimps on treadmills, and Jell-O wrestling at the South Pole

The Feds must have an agency whose sole purpose is to find outlandish ways to waste taxpayer money. They seem to excel at it.

From the Washington Times:

The Senate’s top watchdog on government waste, in a new report Thursday, said taxpayer money has gone to fund such programs as Jell-O wrestling at the South Pole, testing shrimp’s exercise ability on a treadmill and a laundry-folding robot, all funded by the National Science Foundation.

Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, said he identified more than $3 billion in mismanagement at NSF, ranging from questionable studies to exorbitant operating costs, and in some cases duplication by the science agency of operations performed by other agencies.

2011 first quarter GDP: 1.8%

Pathetic--even liberals have got to be bummed. How can they redistribute wealth if there is none?

From Reuters:

Corporate profits in the U.S. unexpectedly contracted in the first quarter to record their first decline in more than two years and the economy grew at the same pedestrian pace as previously estimated, a government report showed on Thursday.

After-tax corporate profits fell at a rate of 0.9 percent, the Commerce Department said, after rising at a 3.3 percent rate in the fourth quarter. The drop in profits, the first since the fourth quarter of 2008, likely reflected a slowdown in productivity growth as businesses stepped up hiring. Economists had expected corporate profits to grow at a 2.3 percent pace.

Gross domestic product growth was unrevised at annual rate of 1.8 percent, the department said in its second estimate, below economists' expectations for a 2.1 percent pace.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Feminist group calls for suspension of Ed Schultz

I was wrong. A feminist group did come to Laura Ingraham's defense. Good for them.

The feminist media watchdog group the Women’s Media Center (WMC) is calling on MSNBC to suspend television host Ed Schultz for calling conservative talker Laura Ingraham a “slut.”

Libtard of the Week Award

I am honored to give my first Libtard of the Week award to Ed Schultz. Mr. Schultz has a show on MSNBC and a liberal radio program. Both people who listen to it says it is swell and it helps them pass the time while flipping hamburgers. Today Mr. Ed outdid himself by saying that conservative talk show host, Laura Ingraham, was 'a slut'. Check the Youtube link for proof of this.
Do you know what you will hear from the liberal women's advocacy groups regarding this misogynistic rant? The answer is crickets chirping.

Stimulus Fail

It is like the government went out of its way to find the worst collection of tax cheats and human pond scum and then said here, take this money and do whatever you want with it. Just spend it, return a little in the form of campaign funds to us, and give the rest to your favorite union.

Stimulus recipients found to be tax cheats. 3,700 owed $757M, GAO report reveals.

All told, government investigators found that during the period they examined, one out of every six stimulus contract or grant dollars went to a known tax cheat, according to Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican who, along with several colleagues, requested the GAO review.

The review found that at least 3,700 stimulus recipients owed a total of more than $757 million in taxes, but were awarded $24 billion in stimulus money.

John Edwards: Democratic slimeball hypocrite

Remember his favorite campaign slogan, something about there being two America's: one for the poor saps who would believe his bullshit and another America of taxpayers who would foot the bill for the first group?
Well, it looks like Mr. Populist is about to get indicted soon for using campaign money to keep his girlfriend happy.
Mr. Edwards, there are two Americas: one consisting of indicted scum like you, and the other being hard-working Americans that innocently go about hacking out a living in this Obama-sustained recession we are in.

From the AP:

Federal prosecutors have completed a wide-ranging investigation into John Edwards’ political dealings and could indict the two-time Democratic presidential candidate within days, a person familiar with the matter said Wednesday.

Punishing enemies and rewarding friends -- politics Chicago style

Michael Barone on Obama's crony favoritism:

In his new book "The Origins of Political Order," Francis Fukuyama identifies the chief building blocks of liberal democracy as a strong central state, a society strong enough to hold the state accountable and -- equally crucial -- the rule of law.

One basic principle of the rule of law is that laws apply to everybody. If the sign says "No Parking," you're not supposed to park there even if you're a pal of the alderman.

Another principle of the rule of law is that government can't make up new rules to help its cronies and hurt its adversaries except through due process, such as getting a legislature to pass a new law.

The Obamacare waiver process appears to violate that first rule. Two other recent Obama administration actions appear to violate the second.

Durable goods orders drop 3.6% in April

From the Commerce Dept. this morning:

New orders for manufactured durable goods in April decreased $7.1 billion or 3.6 percent to $189.9 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down two of the last three months, followed a 4.4 percent March increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.5 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 3.6 percent. Transportation equipment, also down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $4.9 billion or 9.5 percent to $46.7 billion.

Obama's Toast Blooper

When Bush committed a gaffe the MSM called him stupid. Let's see how Mr. Teleprompter fares with them on this one.

President Barack Obama has made light of a musical mishap that threatened to cut short his toast at Tuesday night's state dinner in London.

Obama had just toasted the Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace when the band, apparently deciding that he had finished his speech, struck up "God Save the Queen."

Obama talked over the music, praising the relationship between Britain and the United States and quoting Shakespeare before the music ended.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

100 IRS employees caught using tax credit fraud

Who do they think they are, Timothy Geithner?

More than 100 employees of the Internal Revenue Service cheated the government by fraudulently claiming a first-time homebuyer tax credit included in the 2008 and 2009 economic stimulus packages, according to federal investigators.

The Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration, in several reports over the past few years, has identified a total of 128 IRS employees who claimed the credit but who also made other claims that showed they either weren’t first-time buyers or bought their homes outside the eligibility period for the credit, which was worth up to $8,000.

Inconvenient Truth: SUV's Saved Chrysler

First the polar bears are doing great, and now news that
SUV's are selling like hotcakes--Al Gore is NOT having a good day.

Chrysler and the White House will celebrate the Detroit icon's $5.9 billion repayment of government loans Tuesday in a ceremony that will be hailed by both sides for the same reason: The government bailout had become a liability for both entities. is the resurgence of America's appetite for trucks that has brought Chrysler back from the dead. Chrysler Group reported sales were up 17 percent to 1.1 million vehicles in 2010 on the strength of its wildly popular, redesigned Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango SUVs. For CEO Marchionne, the SUVs success in the U.S. market has been a revelation and he is planning to expand the SUV lineup into Europe with Alfa Romeo and Maserati-badged trucks.

The 'governing class': our new overlords

The brilliant Mark Steyn on our 'governing class':

"The arrest of a mediocre international civil servant in the first-class cabin of his jet isn’t just a sex story: It’s a glimpse of the widening gulf between the government class and their subjects in a post-prosperity West. Neither Geithner nor Strauss-Kahn has ever created a dime of wealth in his life. They have devoted their careers to “public service,” and thus are in the happy position of rarely if ever having to write a personal check. At the Sofitel in New York, DSK was in a $3,000-per-night suite. Was the IMF picking up the tab? If so, you the plucky U.S. taxpayer paid around 550 bucks of that, whereas Strauss-Kahn’s fellow Frenchmen put up less than $150. So if, as Le Nouvel Observateur suggests, France and America really do belong in entirely different civilizations, the French one ought to start looking for a new patron for the heroic DSK’s lifestyle."

Share the Tax Pain

The US is spending $4 billion a day more than it is taking in.

From David Walker, former Comptroller General of the U.S.:

Walker leans more towards the spending-cut side, but also sees inequities in the tax structure that must be corrected to help generate revenue.

"We have to broaden the base—51 percent of Americans don't have any income taxes," he said. "That's not acceptable in a democracy."

Solving America's problems will require a combination weighted toward spending reductions but one that also will require spreading the taxation burden around more evenly, said Walker, the former US comptroller general.

Polar bear extinction and other Global Warming Alarmist bullshit

The Polar Bear Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the organization of scientists that has attempted to monitor the global polar bear population since the 1960s, has issued a report indicating that there was no change in the overall global polar bear population in the most recent four-year period studied.

“The total number of polar bears is still thought to be between 20,000 and 25,000,” the group said in a press release published together with a report on the proceedings of its 15th meeting.

20,000 to 25,000 polar bears worldwide is exactly the same population estimate the group made following its 14th international meeting.

'Chicago Way' politics from a fascist White House

Marc A. Thiessen writing in the Washington Post:

" the president prepares to issue a far-reaching executive order that would require the government to collect detailed information about the political activities of anyone applying for a federal contract. The proposed order would require businesses to furnish, with each contract proposal, a list not only of their contributions to political candidates and committees, but also their contributions to groups that do not under current law have to reveal their donors. The president’s order would force anyone seeking a federal contract to declare whether they are a friend or an enemy — excuse me, “opponent” — of the Obama White House. Worse still, it would set up a central database listing those contributions at a federal government Web site — creating what amounts to an electronic, searchable “enemies list.”

Pilot error cited in Air France crash probe

The pilots of an Air France jet that crashed into the Atlantic Ocean two years ago apparently became distracted with faulty airspeed indicators and failed to properly deal with other vital systems, including adjusting engine thrust, according to people familiar with preliminary findings from the plane's recorders.

The final moments inside the cockpit of the twin-engine Airbus A330, these people said, indicate the pilots seemingly were confused by alarms they received from various automated flight-control systems as the plane passed through some turbulence typical on the route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. They also faced unexpectedly heavy icing at 35,000 feet. Such icing is renowned for making airspeed-indicators and other external sensors unreliable.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Can Pakistan guard its nukes from Islamists?

The brazen attack on a Pakistani naval air base has sent shockwaves through the nuclear-armed country, raising concerns about the military’s ability to protect sophisticated weaponry .

The ease with which six Taliban militants stormed the PNS Mehran base in Karachi, close to the city’s busy commercial airport, and destroyed two newly US-supplied P-3C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft has unnerved Pakistan’s military establishment.

Bacteria 'linked' to Parkinson's disease

The bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers have been linked to Parkinson's disease, according to researchers in the US.

Mice infected with Helicobacter pylori went onto develop Parkinson's like symptoms.

The study, presented at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, argues that infection could play "a significant role".

The charity Parkinson's UK said the results should be treated with caution.

Heritage Flight--Joint Service Open House--Andrews AFB 5/22/2011

F-15 Eagle, P-51 Mustang, and A-10 Thunderbolt II

Jimmy Carter: I'm A Superior Ex-President

Carter is wrong. For now, he is the worst ex-president we have ever had. I don't care how much moral preening he shows off while building habitats for poor folks. He has spent too much of his post-presidential time slamming this country while in other countries. He was a running joke as president, and it follows he has been a failure as an ex-president.

Former President Jimmy Carter isn't letting modesty stand in the way of his assessment of his post-presidential life.

"I feel that my role as a former president is probably superior to that of other presidents," Mr. Carter said in an interview with NBC News.