Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Feminist group calls for suspension of Ed Schultz

I was wrong. A feminist group did come to Laura Ingraham's defense. Good for them.

The feminist media watchdog group the Women’s Media Center (WMC) is calling on MSNBC to suspend television host Ed Schultz for calling conservative talker Laura Ingraham a “slut.”

Libtard of the Week Award

I am honored to give my first Libtard of the Week award to Ed Schultz. Mr. Schultz has a show on MSNBC and a liberal radio program. Both people who listen to it says it is swell and it helps them pass the time while flipping hamburgers. Today Mr. Ed outdid himself by saying that conservative talk show host, Laura Ingraham, was 'a slut'. Check the Youtube link for proof of this.
Do you know what you will hear from the liberal women's advocacy groups regarding this misogynistic rant? The answer is crickets chirping.

Stimulus Fail

It is like the government went out of its way to find the worst collection of tax cheats and human pond scum and then said here, take this money and do whatever you want with it. Just spend it, return a little in the form of campaign funds to us, and give the rest to your favorite union.

Stimulus recipients found to be tax cheats. 3,700 owed $757M, GAO report reveals.

All told, government investigators found that during the period they examined, one out of every six stimulus contract or grant dollars went to a known tax cheat, according to Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican who, along with several colleagues, requested the GAO review.

The review found that at least 3,700 stimulus recipients owed a total of more than $757 million in taxes, but were awarded $24 billion in stimulus money.

John Edwards: Democratic slimeball hypocrite

Remember his favorite campaign slogan, something about there being two America's: one for the poor saps who would believe his bullshit and another America of taxpayers who would foot the bill for the first group?
Well, it looks like Mr. Populist is about to get indicted soon for using campaign money to keep his girlfriend happy.
Mr. Edwards, there are two Americas: one consisting of indicted scum like you, and the other being hard-working Americans that innocently go about hacking out a living in this Obama-sustained recession we are in.

From the AP:

Federal prosecutors have completed a wide-ranging investigation into John Edwards’ political dealings and could indict the two-time Democratic presidential candidate within days, a person familiar with the matter said Wednesday.

Punishing enemies and rewarding friends -- politics Chicago style

Michael Barone on Obama's crony favoritism:

In his new book "The Origins of Political Order," Francis Fukuyama identifies the chief building blocks of liberal democracy as a strong central state, a society strong enough to hold the state accountable and -- equally crucial -- the rule of law.

One basic principle of the rule of law is that laws apply to everybody. If the sign says "No Parking," you're not supposed to park there even if you're a pal of the alderman.

Another principle of the rule of law is that government can't make up new rules to help its cronies and hurt its adversaries except through due process, such as getting a legislature to pass a new law.

The Obamacare waiver process appears to violate that first rule. Two other recent Obama administration actions appear to violate the second.

Durable goods orders drop 3.6% in April

From the Commerce Dept. this morning:

New orders for manufactured durable goods in April decreased $7.1 billion or 3.6 percent to $189.9 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down two of the last three months, followed a 4.4 percent March increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.5 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 3.6 percent. Transportation equipment, also down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $4.9 billion or 9.5 percent to $46.7 billion.

Obama's Toast Blooper

When Bush committed a gaffe the MSM called him stupid. Let's see how Mr. Teleprompter fares with them on this one.

President Barack Obama has made light of a musical mishap that threatened to cut short his toast at Tuesday night's state dinner in London.

Obama had just toasted the Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace when the band, apparently deciding that he had finished his speech, struck up "God Save the Queen."

Obama talked over the music, praising the relationship between Britain and the United States and quoting Shakespeare before the music ended.