Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, suggested during a House floor speech Friday that raising the debt ceiling was being held up by members of Congress because President Obama is black.
"Only this president--only this one--only this one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work," she said. "Only this one. Read between the lines."
"Only this president--only this one--only this one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work," she said. "Only this one. Read between the lines."
Since Rep. Jackson has invited us to 'read between the lines' I say I'll give it a go. I see a woman so limited in intelligence she compensates by constantly invoking the race card. I'm surprised she hasn't yet introduced a bill demanding the elimination of white rice in grocery stores. Her extreme redistributionist worldview would make Marx blush. You, Rep. Jackson, have earned--without affirmative action or set aside--my coveted Libtard of the Week Award. Congratulations.