Friday, July 22, 2011

Libtard of the Week

... and Washington Tax Whore:

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D.-Md.) said on the House floor last night that if the balanced budget amendment Republicans are supporting is ratified and included in the Constitution it would make it “virtually impossible” to raise taxes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Climate change moonbats want an army

A special meeting of the United Nations security council is due to consider whether to expand its mission to keep the peace in an era of climate change.

Small island states, which could disappear beneath rising seas, are pushing the security council to intervene to combat the threat to their existence.

There has been talk, meanwhile, of a new environmental peacekeeping force – green helmets – which could step into conflicts caused by shrinking resources.

The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, is expected to address the meeting on Wednesday.

But Germany, which called the meeting, has warned it is premature to expect the council to take the plunge into green peacemaking or even adopt climate change as one of its key areas of concern.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Libtard of the Week Award

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, suggested during a House floor speech Friday that raising the debt ceiling was being held up by members of Congress because President Obama is black.

"Only this president--only this one--only this one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work," she said. "Only this one. Read between the lines."
Since Rep. Jackson has invited us to 'read between the lines' I say I'll give it a go. I see a woman so limited in intelligence she compensates by constantly invoking the race card. I'm surprised she hasn't yet introduced a bill demanding the elimination of white rice in grocery stores. Her extreme redistributionist worldview would make Marx blush. You, Rep. Jackson, have earned--without affirmative action or set aside--my coveted Libtard of the Week Award. Congratulations.

Same logic

Ohio improves

All it takes is a fiscally responsible leader. Congratulations Ohio for electing one.

Ratings Services upgraded Ohio's debt rating just one day after it put the United States on "creditwatch negative" on what it calls a rising risk of policy stalemate in the debt limit negotiations.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Steyn on 'Obluffer'

Mark Steyn:

Meanwhile, the World’s Greatest Orator bemoans the “intransigence” of Republicans. Okay, what’s your plan? Give us one actual program you’re willing to cut, right now. Oh, don’t worry, says Barack Obluffer. To demonstrate how serious he is, he’s offered to put on the table for fiscal year 2012 spending cuts of (stand well back now) $2 billion. That would be a lot in, say, Iceland or even Australia. Once upon a time it would have been a lot even in Washington. But today $2 billion is what the Brokest Nation in History borrows every ten hours. In other words, in less time than he spends sitting across the table negotiating his $2 billion cut, he’s already borrowed it all back. A negotiation with Obama is literally not worth the time.

Obama says 80% of Americans want higher taxes I guess I can say 80% of Americans want the Measles, a flat tire, and Roseanne Barr singing the Star Spangled Banner.

From The Hill:

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tax Addict in Chief

...Time spent community organizing left this man devoid of skills to deal with a complex economic problem. He should retire as a wealthy speech giver and count himself lucky a majority of Americans were fooled into believing a clueless socialist could provide some leadership as president in leading the United States.

So determined is Obama to deprive “the rich” of excess income–as defined by him, of course–he is even willing to adversely impact government income in order to do so. Read this colloquy between Obama and ABC’s Charlie Gibson in a 2008 debate with Hillary Clinton:

MR. GIBSON: And in each instance, when the [capital gains tax] rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I’’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

MR. GIBSON: But history shows that when you drop the capital gains tax, the revenues go up.

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, that might happen or it might not. It depends on what’’s happening on Wall Street and how business is going.

Actually, it doesn’t. Every time capital gains tax rates have gone up, revenues have gone down and vice versa. High capital gains tax rates, because the tax liability is only incurred when an asset is sold, have the effect of locking in capital, which is economically pernicious, preventing capital from flowing to its most productive, i.e wealth creating, use.

Raise taxes or Granny gets it

James Taranto in the WSJ:

The kids are acting up, so he threatens to starve Granny to death. That's just how a strong father behaves.

It looks to us as if Obama may once again be overestimating his persuasive powers by relying for feedback on journalists who, for a combination of ideological, partisan and personal reasons, are predisposed to take his side.